Mortgage Payment Help - Eastern Savings Bank Skip Navigation

Mortgage Payment Help

Are you unable to afford your mortgage payments but want to avoid foreclosure? There are many options that may be available to you, including forbearance, repayment plan, deed-in-lieu of foreclosure, sale of the property by borrower prior to foreclosure, and modification of loan terms. To aid in the evaluation of your options, please complete the Hardship Letter and Financial Statement and return it, along with the following documents to the Asset Manager handling your account:

  1. Tax Returns for last two years, including all schedules and W-2s
  2. Verification of all income including: two most recent paystubs, award letters and/or leases
  3. Bank Statements for last two months for ALL checking and savings accounts
  4. If self-employed, tax returns for last two years, including all schedules, last six months of bank statements for ALL checking and savings accounts and a year-to-date Profit & Loss statement

If you do not know the name and contact information of the Asset Manager assigned to your account, you can call 1-800-982-7114 to inquire. After receipt and review of the submitted information, your Asset Manager will then contact you to discuss possible alternatives to foreclosure.

For help exploring your options, the Federal government provides contact information for housing counselors, which you can access by contacting the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau at the Department of Housing and Urban Development at or by calling HUD Housing Counselor List Telephone Number (800)569-4287 [TDD: 1-800-877-8339].